Red Light Kiss

6 months. In a lifetime that’s the total of how long the average person spends waiting at red lights. Lots of that time for me is spent being mom taxi… getting the kids to school, going to work, going to the grocery store or the gym… But occasionally the whole family piles into the car and we go somewhere together. We leave our street, turn the next corner, and there it is… A red light. I reach my hand over and take my husband’s hand. He gives my hand a little squeeze. He looks over at me and we lean towards each other… Here it comes… The Red Light Kiss.

It only takes a second. Such a simple act of affection. It’s not a big, gross public display, but a quick, quiet, nearly private “I love you.” Don’t worry, the kids won’t notice… they’re goofing off in the back seat… but even if they do, it’s just one more example to teach them how to treat their spouses when they grow up.

Marriages need affection other than sex. Sex is important for a whole host of reasons, but I’m not talking about that in this post. I’m talking about taking one of the most boring moments in a lifetime, waiting at a red light, and turning it into something special. Not just once, but as often as possible.

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine;
Song of Solomon 1:2

When was the last time you kissed your spouse just for the fun of it? A kiss with your spouse is different than any other kiss. Nobody has the same permission to kiss you like your spouse does. Nobody else’s kisses mean the same thing.

So next time you guys roll up to a red light, do it! Surprise your honey with a “red light kiss.”

Feel free to come back and leave a comment. I’m sure we’d all love to hear how it goes.