About Smallchelle

About Smallchelle

I’m a 38 year old Christian, wife and mom of 3 kids, 21, 13 & 10. I live in sunny Southern California. The diaper days are gone for me but the teen years in full swing are bringing their own kind of sleepless nights…

By day I’m a full time professional custom seamstress, making interior design projects to beautify peoples homes, but I’ve always longed for something more. I loved writing as a teen and everyone used to tell me I should be a writer. That longing in my heart grew and grew until I finally couldn’t not write. Now I get up in the wee dark hours of the morning to pursue writing and publish this blog. In the evenings I take care of my family but also have found Crossfit and love how it makes me feel strong and capable of living each day with optimal health.

My future hopes are to grow my blog into a writing and speaking ministry to women, inspiring them to find joy in the grace of God by understanding the Bible and how it can apply to our everyday lives as wives, moms and Daughters of the King.